A week of soup, crochet, grass growing and Nuclear Medicine!

Firstly I have to rant about the limited edition Heinz Tomato soup with chili!  WOW, its yum bloody yum.  Even more nice with crusty bread spread with lashings of unhealthy Lurpak!  I am not big into soup, I have to be in the mood to have this by choice.  This, however, prompted me to return to Morrisons the following day and stock pile a little bit.


Crochet….busy making apples to hang in my kitchen.  I have very bare white walls (easy to clean with kids about) and want to brighten them up a bit.  My first attempt turned out quite well….I am thinking maybe a garland of different fruit and vegetables.


I also finished this cute summer cardy off for my daughter.  Very basic and white but will match everything!  That’s the whole point.


Meet Bert and Bob.  Grandma got these for the kids in their Easter box.  You just soak them in water every now and again and they grow GRASS hair!  The kids think they are fab.  Personally I think they are an eyesore (and they smell a bit)…..but hey I’m mam, what do I know?!


Nuclear Medicine…..the name of the place I went to in the hospital today.  I was going for a Heart Scan.  I often get chest pains and we are just trying to rule everything out.  This today was pretty scary though.  I was hooked up to ECG, blood pressure monitors then injected with a substance that opens the blood vessels and some radioactive matter.  I had to lie on the bed and move my legs up and down for 4 mins whilst it was administered.  My legs were killing me…..4 mins is a long time doing this!

When they injected it over a period of 4 minutes it was the most odd experience.  My chest and throat tightened and my face flushed bright red and I became breathless.  All perfectly normal as this was the effects of all my blood vessels opening up.  I then had to drink 2 pints of water and walk around for over an hour (in the bloody rain may I add).  On my return I was taken into the big Scanning room where I lay for a further 20 mins whilst this machine moved around my body taking pictures of my heart.  I lay there bursting for the toilet as I’d gobbled down 2 pints of water….not a fun time.

I won’t know the results for a week or so but hoping my littler ticker is ok.

To be honest the thing that annoyed me the most was having to pay over £5 to park in the NHS car park whilst having all this done.  Shocking prices.

Oh finally before I go, I am very excited to be receiving my new suite tomorrow.  Its been 8 long weeks since we sat admiring it in the showroom…..pictures to follow.

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Big Boys and their Toys

What a day!  Hubby decided he wanted to paint the kitchen TODAY!  I wanted to wait until the kids were back at school and out the house but no no he’s knows best!  Actually it didn’t go too badly.  He had brought one of those “point and paint” thingys off the TV….and did a bloody good job if I say so myself. It’s his new toy and has promised to do the lounge tomorrow! So now my kitchen looks fingerprint and crayon free (for a while anyway).

Don’t know what was wrong with hubby today as after he’d done the kitchen he decided he wanted to try the new lawn mower and cut the grass in the front and back gardens!  After MANY curse words he eventually got it all put together. Now, please let me assure you, I normally have to beg and plead for him to cut the grass, so you can imagine my shock.  Again he did a bloody good job, and now the grass looks lush and green ready for summer. (hahaha….I’m wishing too) 

You can see a theme starting here can’t you?  Fully grown man with new painting tools and grass cutting machinery….grrrrr…..boys and their toys eh?  The novelty will wear off.

Its 8pm and I too have only just sat my bum down…..crochet at the ready of course.  I’ve just brought this Heinz soup below and I cannot recommend it enough.  Absolutely delicious!  As its a Limited Edition, I will stock up on some of these.  It went down lovely with my tiger bread pasted with Lurpack!  Slurpy slurp slurp.

A must try!